Tuesday, 20 May 2008

eGovernment Services of particular relevance to rural SMEs

Are there any eGovernment services that you've found are of particular use to you? If so, why not share your experiences with other rural businesses!


Anonymous said...

It's great to be introduced to a project which is, in scale, an ambitious venture and even better to see that it is not only well organised and consistent, but contains valuable content for rural SME's. I particularly like the simplicity (At least on the surface) of the observatory website.

Too often we see examples of projects where a plethora of useful content is promised, but rarely delivered. Thankfully the Rural e-Gov Observatory is not one of these. A useful feature of the observatory are the exercises found in the training resources section. These fill the role of a 'How To' guide for various eGov services, which is ideal in the situation where a particular eGov service is not as straightforward as using the observatory website!

The home exercises form some of the most valuable content on the blog. A plain language answer to the question 'How do I do that?' is most useful. Provided that the format of a blog is familiar in some way to users, the training articles within are very useful.

Barney said...

I am a great believer in talking to SMEs in a language and at a level that they can relate to. It is so easy to talk about technolog and what it can do for SMEs but SMEs want to know how it might impact their business and how, in this case eGovernment,might make the way they run their business easier or cheaper.

Like the working examples and would like to think many more SMEs would try out these on line tasks